Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Now, On to real life...

Our son had a birthday last weekend. For his 10th birthday, we threw him a party with all of his friends. We invited 12 boys, all between the ages of 7 and 12, fed them pizza and pop and cake and ice cream. They played video games and football (the weather was fabulous!) It's amazing the amount of testosterone that young boys have! They held a free-for-all (tackling and wrestling each other to the ground) in the front yard, and I had to break it up because they were getting serious! Once, everyone got on top of my son because he was the birthday boy, and he didn't like it at all. When he finally got out of it, he took a break, and the rest of them all got into a big pile, and I stepped in and told them they needed to chill. No one got hurt, but even if they did, they wouldn't have cared.

I was exhausted. I had spent the previous 2 days shopping and cleaning, and in 2 hours, the house was turned upside down. It took me another 2 days to turn it right side up again. sheesh. Then I raked all the leaves in the front yard, since the weather was so nice. The back yard is still full of leaves, but now it is in the 30's and 40's, they are going to stay there a while.

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